Intelligent Technology for the Modern Energy Grid
We are disrupting how Distributed Energy is managed with our Intelligent Control System.
Dynamic Grid is pioneering a new way to provide optimal control for the distribution grid that is dynamic and adapts to changing conditions. Our product ecosystem is built on three principles: Transactive Energy, control at the edge, and dynamic intelligence for optimization.The Dynamic Grid

Transactive Energy
Pricing Signals Drive Efficiency
We use market-based economic principles of supply and demand to balance the grid in improve the integration of DER

Control at the device
Our Dynamic Grid control technology enables DERs to intelligently control their own operations based upon the cost of power

Dynamic Intelligence for Optimization
Our software and controls have superior machine learning algorithms for optimization

Transactive Energy
A traditional electrical grid is an on-demand system because generation must always meet the demand. Today’s grid, with Distributed Energy Resources (DER) becoming prevalent, generation is no longer controllable. A solar array makes power when the sun shines, not when the load requires and is variable from day to day, hour to hour, or minute to minute.
This is one of the reasons that there is great interest in energy storage. For instance, in California, the grid operators (CAISO) are dealing with depressed load in the middle of the day (12 pm-3 pm) then very quick ramp-ups to meet load at 6 pm in the evening. This is leading to different operating conditions that require flexible resource capabilities to ensure that renewables can be integrated, and the grid maintains reliability.
Our unique method of using a distribution-level Economic Dispatch Value (EDV) or, in other words, a real-time pricing signal that values energy at the time of use.

The EDV, coupled with our intelligent algorithms is capable of balancing distributed energy resources on the distribution grid (or Microgrid) by enabling real-time control of heat pumps, air-conditioners, energy storage or any controllable load that can be deferred or incentivized to operate.

A traditional electrical grid is an on-demand system because generation must always meet the demand. Today’s grid, with Distributed Energy Resources (DER) becoming prevalent, generation is no longer controllable. A solar array makes power when the sun shines, not when the load requires and is variable from day to day, hour to hour, or minute to minute.

The core of our Dynamic Grid Control is our intelligent algorithms. Our proprietary algorithms have been developed in many years of Research and Development, much of it supported by the Department of Energy. Our unique Adaptive Dynamic Programming machine learning algorithms learn in real-time and continue to improve after deployed. The technology is based upon a class of algorithms called the Bellman Equation. The Bellman equation became an essential basis for modern economic theory as well as applied to engineering control theory and applied mathematics. Our own Adaptive Dynamic Programming version breaks the optimization of a system into a sequence of simpler sub-problems. We have expanded this idea to break the electrical grid into a series of small sub-grids to make the optimization of the system even faster.
We have other aspects of our intelligent algorithms that allow the system to fully evolve and improve with time, providing a truly Dynamic Grid.